Connected Technology – Ajantech
Connectted Technology Total Solution - Ajantech
Ajantech Inc - since 2004, dedicated to Personal Multimedia Devices, Multimedia internet Devices, Mobile Handsets, Network Devices, Framework/Platform, Applications, RFID Readers with toal solutions.
Ajantech Inc. has a lot of experience & know-how and offer IOT related device design models(Reference design model) using smartphones, mobiles, RFID devices so on.
Especially, The R&D center of Ajantech inc. has competitive technologies in Android, WCDMA, Samsung Processor, Mechanical engineering development, so we contribute to the vitalization of a new era with IoT(Internet of Things) by cooperation with Global/Local device manufacturers of SKTelecom, Sprint, Helio, LG, Pantech etc.
Please pay attention to 'the future value of Ajantech inc'.
Ajantech is a combination of 2 words, the English Alphabet 'A' and 'January'. Alphabet 'A' means the golobal communication's entry 'January' means Janus who is the god of beginnings for everythings.
Ajantech's vision as the future value is in IoT technology which means Things and the commnunication of things, and we would like to lead and to contribute to the better society with the Internet of Things, IoT which Jeremy Rifkin described in The Zero Marginal Cost Society by implementing a technology platform of Communication Internet converged with Energy Internet and Logistics Internet to connect everything and everyone.
For the last 10 years, as Ajantech inc. devoted into the mobile business, for the upcoming 10 years, Ajantech inc. will devote to create the future value via IoT Technology. Please pay attention to Ajantech's future value.